How it measure your Stress level? |
![]() Stress is an organism’s response to a stressor such as an internal or external environmental condition. And, the most immediate & sensitive physiological signal responding to the stress is our Heart Beats. Our Devices can measure your stress level by analyzing the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in every second. We, MCARETECH provide you high accuracy & reliability of stress measurement with authorized algorithm & clinical experiences for over 15years. |
What is the HRV (Heart Rate Variability)? |
Measures the degree of fluctuation in the length of intervals between heart beats. For healthy people, HRV a fluctuation in heart rates, while unhealthy people have a simple and consistent heart rate. HRV measures the adaptability of the cardiovascular system and autonomic nervous system, which composed of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). Your SNS plays the role of the accelerator, also known as flight or fight. Your PNS functions as the brake, also known as rest and repair. |
The source information for HRV analysis is continuous beat-by-beat (not averaged) recording of heartbeat intervals. There are many ways to measure and record those intervals. However two such methods are found to be the most appropriate for this. Pulse wave analysis is way of measuring heartbeat intervals. It is a simple and least invasive method of measurement based on photoplethysmograph (PPG). PPG is a signal reflecting changes in a blood flow in tiny blood vessels typically spotted in fingertips or earlobes. Typical PPG sensor emits infrared light towards the skin area of an earlobe or finger. The blood passing through this area through numerous tiny vessels absorbs certain portion of that light while remaining light is detected by a special photocell. The amount of absorbed light is proportional to the amount of blood passing by. Since the blood flow is not constant due to pulsations caused by heartbeats the sensor generates a very specific waveform reflecting those changes in blood flow. This waveform is usually called as a pulse wave. This waveform can be processed by a special algorithm to derive beat-by-beat heartbeat intervals. |
* Myocardiac Infarction (MI) * Angina pectoralis Ventricular arrhythmia * Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) * Sudden Cardiac Death * Coronary Artery Disease * Congestive Heart Failure * Diabetes Mellitus & Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy * Brain Injury, Epilepsy * Multiple Sclerosis * Fibromyalgia & Chronic fatigue syndrome * Obesity * Guillian-Barre Syndrome * Depression & Anxiety disorder (Panic disorder) * Stress induced diseases |